Order the lubricator correctly

Select suitable clamps & interior seals

In order to clean and lubricate the steel wire rope more effectively, firstly, the diameter of the steel wire rope needs to be measured accurately in a correct way (see the figure below), so as to select the appropriate wire rope clamp and sealer. Then determine right or left lay rope strands, number of outer strands and measure the twist distance of the wire rope in a correct way, so as to select the appropriate groove cleaner.

Measure the length of a strand lay

The length of a strand lay is the distance measured parallel to the center line of the strand in which one wire makes one complete spiral or turnaround the strand. Lay length measurement is shown in Fig.below:

Remark: Please return the above data to us. VMAXX® will confirm the type and specification of the cleaner and sealing device in order to achieve the perfect use effect.

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